International monetary funds see no compelling case for Namibia to issue a retail central bank digital currency (CBDC). Instead, the focus should be on strengthening instant payment solutions (IPS) to address affordability and interoperability. The International monetary fund (IMF) highlighted that Namibia's major Financial Institutions Groups are already working on instant payment solutions (IPS), so there is little room for retail CBDC. In addition, the advantages of CBDC, such as offline capa...
国际货币基金组织认为纳米比亚没有令人信服的理由发行零售央行数字货币(CBDC)。相反,重点应放在加强即时支付解决方案(IPS)上,以解决可负担性和互操作性问题。 国际货币基金组织(IMF)强调,纳米比亚的主要金融机构已经致力于即时支付解决方案(IPS),因此零售 CBDC 的空间很小。此外,CBDC 的优势,如离线功能,取决于...
The Bank of Israel has raised the potential involvement of a central bank digital currency (CBDC), proposing to position the digital shekel as a "multi-purpose CBDC" that can be used for both retail and wholesale, meaning that it can meet the retail needs of end users such as households and businesses, as well as the wholesale needs of financial entities. Note: The shekel is legal tender in Israel.
以色列央行已提出了央行数字货币(CBDC)的潜在涉及,拟将数字谢克尔定位为“多用途 CBDC”,既可用于零售,也可用于批发,这意味着既能满足家庭和企业等终端用户的零售需求,也能满足金融实体的批发需求。 注:谢克尔是以色列的法定货币。
印度金融科技公司 Mintoak 近日以约 350 万美元收购了专注于央行数字货币领域的初创公司 Digiledge。这是印度 CBDC 领域首个并购案例,Mintoak 此前获得了 PayPal 和 HDFC 银行的投资支持。 通过此次收购,Mintoak 将整合 Digiledge 在 CBDC 和账单支付方面的专业技术,为其合作银行(包括 HDFC 银行、Axis 银行和印度国家银行)提供更全面的数字卢比支付解决方案。
The Russian central bank recently shared its business model for a central bank digital currency (CBDC). All digital ruble transactions will be free by the end of 2025, with the first banks and merchants expected to go live on July 1. The central bank plans to earn fees by operating the system. At the same time, at a hearing in the Russian State Duma last week, the Association of Russian Banks (ABR) said that banks are unhappy with this. They are concerned about the possible outflow of bank depos...
21:00-7:00 Keywords: CBDC, Reddit, Canary Capital 1. US Treasury: CBDC should replace stablecoins; 2. Privacy blockchain project Nillion raised $25 million; Reddit sold most of its cryptocurrency holdings in the third quarter. 4. Canary Capital submitted a spot Solana ETF application to the SEC; 5. US Treasury: The growth of stablecoins is boosting the demand for government bonds; 6. Microsoft shareholders have started a preliminary vote on whether the company should invest in bitcoin. 7. MicroS...
21:00-7:00关键词:CBDC、Reddit、Canary Capital 1.美国财政部:应以CBDC取代稳定币; 2.隐私区块链项目 Nillion 融资 2500 万美元; 3.Reddit第三季度已出售大部分持有的加密货币; 4.Canary Capital向美SEC递交现货Solana ETF申请; 5.美国财政部:稳定币的增长正在提升对国债的需求; 6.微软股东已开始就公司是否应投资比特币进行初步投票; 7.MicroStrategy拟于未来3年筹集420亿美元买入更多比...
CoinDCX co-founder Sumit Gupta said that CBDCs and cryptocurrencies should coexist, not compete.
Amid growing concerns that the Bank of England's digital currency (CBDC), Britcoin, will replace cash, Andrew Bailey, governor of the Bank of England (BOE), said, "The evidence is that people do want cash, so we will continue to offer it." Bailey said he supports banks issuing wholesale CBDCs, but is cautious about issuing retail CBDCs. Bailey further added that the Bank of England is setting up retail CBDCs for innovation. He believes that CBDC innovation should be open to the private sector an...
According to Cryptonews, Norway's central bank is moving forward with research on central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), with plans to make a relevant decision by the end of 2025. Although the European Central Bank is already preparing for digital currencies, Norway says it is in no hurry to speed up the process. According to Norway's deputy governor, Pal Lonva, Norway's research on CBDCs is in line with other central banks, and the current focus is on assessing complex issues. Norway is known...